Lodges Méditerranée, a 4-star campsite in Vendres-Plage: our commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism

Our CSR policy
(Social and Environmental Responsibility)
Residential leisure park ****
Like in a campsite, but with all the comforts !

Together, we preserve the environment and limit our impact on nature through simple everyday gestures - for us, for you and for future generations.
Our Vendres coastline is classified as a Natura 2000 protected wetland.
Towards responsible tourism
The company's involvement in the "social and solidarity" economy - A human aspect
• When hiring new staff, we give priority to employees with equivalent skills who live either in our commune or in the Domitienne community of communes, to promote proximity.
• The management approach adopted by Lodges Méditerranée is one of participative decision-making, with regular collegial meetings to discuss the team's missions and find the best solutions to meet our customers' objectives.
• We try to offer our staff linear training throughout The season
• When recruiting our seasonal workers, we make it a priority to retain our employees year after year.
• The way We work and The way We are organized encourage exchanges within The team and between departments.
• In addition to remuneration in line with job conditions and skills, we attach great importance to thanking and celebrating all our employees during the period when our village is closed.
• To guarantee the physical safety of all our employees, we ensure that they have the right equipment (clothing and work tools, in the right quantities), in line with our obligations and in compliance with current standards.
• Participation with The team In actions In favor of disabled people with The CAMAT association.
On the economic aspect
• As soon as we set up our company, we drew up a set of specifications setting out the commercial conditions we wished to see applied, in order to define possible partnerships with other economic service providers. We give priority to orders bearing the Eco-Label, NF Environnement, FSC...
• We prefer to trade with short-@distance suppliers to reduce our carbon footprint.
• In all our negotiations with partners and suppliers, we ensure that our pricing policy does not fall below market prices, so that our service providers can make a decent living, and so we guarantee to defend the cost price.
• We spread our consumption over several partners to ensure that we do not exceed the maximum threshold of 30% of purchases from a single company, and thus guarantee the social freedom of our suppliers.
• We have been awarded the "Vignobles & Découvertes" label for our local heritage, as well as the "Accueil Vélo" label.
• Choice of local craftsmen for work on The campsite.
Waste management
• Selective sorting: garbage can with yellow containers for recyclable waste and bin for glass.
• Recycling bins for cardboard on one side and paper and magazines on The other.
• Recycling bins for batteries, light bulbs, cartridges and caps are available at reception.
• Welcome guide In each mobile home with The Domitienne waste management guide for sorting.
• Water consumption management
• Timer system for washbasins, sinks and showers in sanitary facilities.
• Watersaving devices installed on toilet flushes In washrooms and toilets.
• Prestos installed In common areas.
• Drip irrigation In flower beds.
• 100% of the electricity we buy comes from renewable energy sources.
• Widespread use of low-@energy light bulbs In rental properties.
• LED lighting throughout The campsite. home automation for common lighting systems.
• Each lodge is equipped with a card-@operated master switch.
• Home automation also allows you to set the air conditioning in cooling or heating mode, with minimum and maximum values between 19°c and 24°c.
• Use of compostable and recyclable disposable tableware.
• Promoting local producers.
• Priority to short circuits.
• Partnerships with establishments and services providing assistance through work (ADAPEI, ESAT).
• Prioritize e-@mail exchanges over mailings.
• Use of environmentally-@friendly and Ecolabel cleaning products.
Home - Mini club Activities
• Use of recycled paper.
• Promoting local producers.
• Priority to short circuits.
• Advertising of visits and activities to do on The coast or within a maximum radius of one hour of The campsite.
• Prioritize e-mail exchanges over mailings.
Current and future actions
• Obtain eco-labels such as "Zérogaspi" and "Tourisme & Handicap".
• Water reservoirs available for watering potted plants: Water recuperator.
• Reducing pool Water consumption by using Water recovery tanks with ozone treatment before re-@injection.
• Electricity generation via photovoltaic panels.